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National Cargo Safety Improves 1st Quarter of 2018

Great news for the trucking industry: The CargoNet, a transportation safety reporting agency, released a report this month that detailed only 159 events of cargo theft across the US and Canada during the first quarter of 2018, representing a 23% decrease in crimes from the same time last year. Not only this, but the value of the products stolen also sharply decreased from $164,185 to $90,883 year-to-year per incident. The report indicates that the food and beverage industry remains the top target of thefts, though this crimes in this category still fell by 39%.  


How CSS Monitors Driver Safety

Critical Supply Solutions takes cargo and driver safety very seriously. We want company and owner operator drivers confident and comfortable on the road in all circumstances.

To help prevent thefts, we take the following simple precautions to monitor all loads:

  • Electronic tracking: we monitor all loads and vehicles in real time through the powerful ELD software. Vehicles off course, speeding, or not communicating are quickly noted and we begin assessing the situation.
  • Routine Check-ins: we instruct all drivers to call dispatch for routine check-ins every 3-4 hours, at load pickup, and drop off locations. We need timely updates on the load progress for scheduling, and we take security concerns from drivers.  
  • DOT Safety Compliance: all our drivers and staff are trained on the latest in DOT compliance regulations to ensure that no shipment is a target of theft. Every load is securely latched with vehicles regularly inspected.


What Can Truck Drivers Do?

No matter what truck company you work for, we all have a responsibility to keep the road safe for everyone.

If you see something, say something.

Pull over to a secure, public location and contact dispatch if you feel someone is trailing your vehicle or you feel unsafe in any way.

Use some common sense. Never discuss the contents of your load or route destinations with anyone outside of the company. Keep all load information confidential to protect everyone.

Always take the time to study your routes! Certain areas are known as hotbeds for cargo thefts in the trucking industry. No trucking jobs are worth your life. Be honest with dispatch about your concerns and work together to find alternative routes.  

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